Book List


  1. Shantaram – Gregory David Roberts
  2. Old Man and the Sea – Ernest Hemingway
  3. Crime and Punishment -Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  4. The Master and Margarita -Mikhail Bulgakov
  5. War and Peace – Leo Tolstoy


  1. Steve Jobs -Walter Isaacson
  2. In Search of Bill Clinton: A Psychological Biography – John Gartner
  3. The Churchill Factor: How One Man Made History – Boris Johnson
  4. Open: An Autobiography – Andre Agassi
  5. Infidel – Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Business / Self-Help

  1. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen R. Covey
  2. Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? – Seth Godin
  3. Winning – Jack Welch
  4. The 48 Laws of Power – Robert Greene